Monday, February 24, 2014

Framed Necklace/Jewelry Organizer and Home Decor Accent! Cheap and Easy!


I don't know about you guys ( and Ladies) but I am always losing necklaces and bracelets because..well..I'm lazy.  When I take them off, they usually end up on my coffee table or next to my bathroom sink.
Not Safe ya'll! Do you know how many earrings I've lost in the treacherous drain? Don't guess, the answer's too many. 

How many necklaces have you found tangled up in your jewelry box or worse more, in your purse or pocket?? Let us fix this with a SUPER Cute Necklace frame.

What you'll need:

1.  Wooden Frame.. Must be wood if you plan on doing this by hand. Otherwise, metal or plastic will work if you have a drill with a baby-sized drill bit. I got mine at Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon with the app. (get it, you can use it EVERY TIME you go to hobby lobby.) I got a super sweet deal on this one. ORIG Price: $110.00, it went on clearance and I got it for a STEAL. Like $20 with my coupon! Obviously, you don't have to spend even that much on a frame. Go to Goodwill and check out those terrible pictures they have, I'm sure you could spot a decent frame for cheap. I had to have this one because hand-carved detail. So chic! Make sure you get a frame that has a lip on it where we can screw in our hooks like below. 

2.  Screw-in hooks...These could be any size or shape or color, as long as they screw in. Sorry for the pic being blurry, but these are brass hooks. And, a penny for size. AGAIN, these could be any size. Say you wanted to make a frame to hold scarfs or belts, you would just need a bigger hook. 

3.  Time to Craft!  You need maybe 20min for this. 

Starting off.. you want to make sure that you have equally-spaced hooks on your frame.. So, like below, lay out where you want all your hooks to chill forever, and mark the lip of your frame where you put them with a pencil. 

Next... Push in just the point of your screw-hook where you marked, to make a starting hole. It may help to have a hard object..( hammer, fist, brick, friends face) to lightly tap the hook to make a tiny hole.  Once you've got your starter holes,  SCREW THOSE PUPPIES IN! This takes a bit of elbow grease. It seems at first the screw won't catch in the wood, but it will. Just keep pushing and turning...and swimming. :). Once you've got all your hangers stuck, look at your frame front-on. Make sure they're all equally screwed in..  Even? Spaced Equally? Balanced? GOOOD!  

Now you've got a Cute and TRENDY piece of functional ART~**
No need to hang it on a wall if you're a renter or just don't feel comfortable with a hammer and nails. It still looks really cute and organized!
OR hang that puppy kitty, small animal, on the wall like so. 



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